
Become a

By Profession of Faith and Baptism

If you will receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord and follow him in baptism by immersion, we welcome you into our fellowship.

By Letter

If you are a member of a church of like faith, and God leads you here, we will be pleased to welcome you into our church family. We will happily take care of appropriate details for transferring your membership.

By Baptism from Another Denomination

If you know in your heart that you are saved and want to partner with New Season Ministry, we invite you to join us by baptism. This gives testimony of your salvation and your obedience to his direction.

By Statement

In the event church membership records are not available for transfer of membership, and you are presently a member of another denomination, we will accept you upon your statement of these conditions. You may express your desire to fulfill any of the above by presenting yourself during the Call to Discipleship at the close of each worship service; or if you are so inclined, you may also contact an intake counselor after any service.

For any questions on the process of joining New Season Ministry, please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch!